Security & Risk Management

Hackers. Viruses. Disgruntled employees. Unfortunately, these are the realities of today’s network security environment. At Zealtron, we help your IT department analyze its network security needs and develop a security policy based on your business objectives. We’ll help you plan the appropriate countermeasures to any incident, and then automate their execution, to reduce remediation time to an absolute minimum. Ideally, by the time you’ve been apprised of a security breach, the system has already implemented its defenses and protected your company’s vital data.

Solutions within Zealtron’s Network Security practice include:

  • Reduce costs. Time spent dealing with security issues—as well as the costs of the damage caused by an intrusion—can take an enormous bite out of the IT budget. Resolving security issues saves money by allowing employees to focus on more productive and profitable endeavors.
  • Protect vital data. Loss of data can have huge implications for a business, not only as to its capacity to conduct its operations but also its ability to earn and retain customer confidence.
  • Simplify management. Having multiple security point solutions is neither as efficient nor as effective as implementing a single overarching network security policy governing all types of users.
  • Comply with federal regulations. Bringing your network security up to par helps avoid mismanagement of private customer information, which increasingly is a federally punishable offense

With threats multiplying, securing your network is an ongoing process. Zealtron can help you plan your response before the next attack occurs.

Benefits of Network Security solutions:

  • Security audit. We test your network for vulnerabilities by attempting to penetrate it. We also look for signs of previous intrusions of which you may not even be aware.
  • Identity services. These services help to identify users and control and monitor their activities and transactions on the network. Services include identity management, single log-on, passwords, digital certificates, and digital authentication keys.
  • Secure remote access. Accommodating remote users adds to the complexity of the network security challenge, but with the enterprise increasingly distributed, providing secure remote access is certain to be a top priority. EIA helps you accomplish this by using tools such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems and VPN solutions to secure connectivity and perimeter security, and enable secure connections.
  • Virus control. The unfortunate byproducts of creative-yet-malicious minds, viruses and worms can’t be prevented, but with proper planning, their damage can be contained.
  • Immediate remediation. If you are under attack or believe you have any active security breach, Zealtron will immediately go into action to isolate and contain the threat, assess the damage, and design and automate countermeasures to prevent recurrences.