Consulting Services
Zealtron provide a diverse range of Network, IT and E-Business consulting services which include:

  • Network & IT Consulting
  • Security Consulting
Benefits of Network Security solutions:

Local and wide-area networks are at the very heart of today’s e-marketplace. But the cost and complexity of managing these networks and their supporting infrastructure can quickly become a major drain on your resources.

To get the best return on your investment, let Zealtron IT help you make the decisions necessary to achieve your business objectives.

Our network and IT specialists will assess your business objectives and work with you to develop network solutions tailor-made to fit your requirements . At LANcare IT, we have the network and IT expertise to let your business reap the benefits of cutting-edge hardware, software and systems architecture.

Security Consulting

Intruders can find many ways to open the doors to your virtual office. They can steal information and disrupt your business via the Internet, through data you thought you had deleted, stolen laptops and employees’ bad security habits. At Zealtron IT, we know how to keep intruders out of your business.

We will perform a security assessment and risk analysis, install security solutions and monitor the overall security of your network . Zealtron IT will map out all the virtual and physical doors into your business network and show you how to lock them, and keep them locked.